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What is ChurchSuite?
ChurchSuite is a secure online platform to help our church family stay connected and grow in fellowship with one another.
The Who’s Who is accessed through ChurchSuite and we are delighted that a lot of people have already signed up to this.
We have already been using ChurchSuite to send Matthew’s weekly emails and allow people to book onto church service and events such as ‘tea at the vicarage’.
A short introduction to ChurchSuite
ChurchSuite is very easy to use and has lots of great features.
Why not watch our short introductory video (see below) to see how simple it really is. The video is only a minute long!
The most challenging part of ChurchSuite is setting it up but our office are happy to help you with this. Once you’re up and running, using ChurchSuite is a breeze!
We explain our reasons for using ChurchSuite and address people’s concerns below.
Why is Poynton Parish Church launching ChurchSuite?
We believe that ChurchSuite will help us with our vision of becoming a growing all-age community of faith, hope and love in the following ways:
Becoming and growing suggests that there will be change and new people coming to church as we come out of the pandemic. However, Churchsuite will be introduced gradually and support will be offered to everyone to ensure that nobody is left behind.
As an all-age church, new members will be able to use ChurchSuite to easily connect with the church family and church life.
An all-age church family also includes people who haven’t got internet access and so they will be offered a printed Who’s Who. Everyone will still be able to keep up to date with church life through the monthly printed newsletter and can book onto events over the phone and in person.
We have already been using ChurchSuite to enable people to sign up to church events such as tea at the vicarage and holiday club, thus helping them to grow as a community in faith and fellowship.
Those people who are looking for hope can welcome Jesus into their lives by using ChurchSuite to sign up to a course such as Christianity Explored. However, people will still be able to sign up to events and courses either over the phone or in person.
An optional feature of ChurchSuite allows people to upload a photo to their profile if they wish. Many of you have already chosen to do this and it’s a great way of putting faces to names!
One of the great things about ChurchSuite is that people can keep their own details up to date. Having up to date information is crucial because we can easily identify vulnerable people and those in need, ensuring they receive our love and support.
Are my details safe if I sign up to ChurchSuite?
The short answer is yes, your details are perfectly safe and this is an important reason why we’ve decided to introduce ChurchSuite after careful consideration and prayer.
Requests to join ChurchSuite are sent by a member of staff from the church office. An account cannot be created without an invite from the church office. Therefore, it is impossible for anyone outside of St George’s and St Martin’s to create a ChurchSuite account to access your details.
Most of the content of ChurchSuite does not involve people being able to view one another's contact details; instead the content is personal to the individual who is logged in, showing information as it relates to them.
Through your accounts privacy settings you control the personal details which are visible to others. We will always respect your privacy and use your details responsibly in accordance with your consent. It is for these reasons that the default privacy settings are set to hide your details when you sign up to ChurchSuite. You are always in control.
Who can see my children’s details in ChurchSuite?
Children’s contact details are only visible to their parents/guardians and leaders for the purpose of signing up to children’s groups, events and taking registers.
Children’s contact details are never visible to other ChurchSuite users or anyone else.
What about GDPR and data protection?
As with all businesses, churches, charities and organisations, it is a requirement that Poynton Parish Church abides by the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which came into force in 2018. Data Protection is about avoiding harm to individuals by misusing or mismanaging their personal data and Poynton Parish Church takes this very seriously.
To comply with GDPR, Poynton Parish Church must:
Only collect information for specific purposes and the information required for this purpose
Keep the information accurate, up to date, safe and secure
Consent must be freely and unambiguously given and can be just as easily withdrawn
Data Processing activities must start with “privacy by design and default”
Demonstrate compliance with GDPR and Poynton Parish Church will be liable for any breach
The first edition of the Who’s Who was printed before GDPR came into force on 25th May 2018. Therefore, Poynton Parish Church has had to re-evaluate how it can provide a Who’s Who whilst complying with GDPR and it was agreed that ChurchSuite would fulfil this purpose.