

Becoming an all-age community of faith, hope and love.

Our Vision

We have prayerfully thought through what we are called to be and to do as a church in this time and place. We’ve been challenge by the Biblical call to live our whole lives for God.

At our most recent Vision Talk (May 2024), our Vicar, Matthew, shared something of the progress we’ve made together with God’s help, and encouraged us to look ahead to the coming years.

You can watch a recording of the vision talk here:

Becoming – that means there will be change; we are on a journey – we don’t have everything sorted, but we have a path to follow.

Growing – we expect to see new people join our church community; we also expect to see growth in faith.

All-age – We are not to be a church ONLY for old people, or a church ONLY for children… we are to be a family of all ages.


Community – Those of different ages, backgrounds, experiences… those who are married, those who are single, those who have been followers of Jesus for years, and those who are just starting out.  We are called to reject the individualism and isolationism of much of our culture … we are called into community.

Faith – deepening in discipleship, discovering new things about God, experiencing more of the Spirit’s power in our lives day-by-day, confidence in what we believe.

Hope – offering spaces and places for others to discover the good news of Jesus.  There are thousands of people in Poynton who don’t know Jesus!

Love – the call to follow God and the love that flows from him to us should overflow into love for each other, love for our community, love for the wider world and for the planet. 


“…putting on faith and love as a breastplate, and the hope of salvation as a helmet.”

1 Thessalonians 5:8, The Bible

A ‘whole church’ picture taken at Vision Sunday 2022