St Martin’s, Higher Poynton

People from various parts of Poynton
and the surrounding area have found
a spiritual home at St Martin’s.

Services at 10.00am on Sundays.

Centenary Video

Derek Jones writes: “September 2023 was a very significant milestone in the life of the church at St. Martin’s. 100 years ago, 2nd September 1923, a place of worship in Higher Poynton was established by the PCC of St. George’s Church Poynton, with the blessing of the then Bishop of Chester, The Rt Rev’d Henry Paget.

The occasion was marked at St. George’s by an exhibition on it’s Heritage Open Day on 16th September 2023, and was also marked by a Centenary Luncheon in St. Martin’s splendid church hall in which a documentary video was enjoyed by over 40 ‘Friends of St. Martin’s’.

For the vision of the PCC, Bishop Paget and all those earlier saints at St. Martin’s we say, as always,

‘Praise God from Whom all blessings flow . . ‘.”

Video below

Groups that meet at Higher Poynton


St Martin’s Church

Retired Persons’ Lunch

3rd Thursday of each month for 12 noon

(Not August or December)

The monthly lunch is open to all those who have retired from regular work and is currently catering for in excess of 40 people. We start with a variety of soups followed by sandwiches, cakes, tea or coffee all prepared by a dedicated team of helpers. £4 a head is all we ask.

We normally have a short talk to enlighten us on a topic of interest.  Subjects have included; The Wellspring Trust (a charity providing for homeless and disadvantaged people in Stockport); Poynton Marionettes, Community Police, The Headway charity, Age Concern, and The Message Trust (working to bring the Christian message to young people).

Various community groups use the St Martin’s Hall including:

  • CounterPoynt (Choir)

  • Poynton Community Orchestra

  • Poynton School of Dance

  • Alisart (Art Classes)

  • Brownies

  • Poynton Gilbert & Sullivan Society


“Get in touch with the Parish Office if you are interested in hall hire”


The new church was built, and then dedicated in 1965, so then there was a morning service, with the children’s Sunday School in the hut.