What is ChurchSuite?
ChurchSuite is an online resource for churches.
Through ChurchSuite, members of St George’s and St Martin’s can access the online Who’s Who.
ChurchSuite has many exciting features and we will be introducing some of these in the future!
Install ChurchSuite on your computer
Please click the button below to watch a tutorial showing you how to install and use ChurchSuite on a computer.
Install ChurchSuite on your mobile phone
Please click the button below to watch a tutorial showing you how to install and use ChurchSuite on a mobile phone.
Install ChurchSuite on your iPhone / iPad
Please click the button below to watch a tutorial showing you how to install and use ChurchSuite on an iPhone or iPad
I am struggling to install ChurchSuite on my device, what shall I do?
Please call in to the Parish Office between 9.30am - 11am on a Friday and bring your mobile phone (or tablet/iPad). A member of staff will happily install ChurchSuite on your device and show you how to use it.
I know a church member who doesn’t have the internet and/or a mobile phone, what will they do?
We are aware of these members of our church family and they will receive a paper version of the Who’s Who.
These people have been contacted to obtain their permission for their details to be included in the online Who’s Who. Therefore, the details of everyone who has granted their permission will appear in both the online and printed versions of the Who’s Who.
I prefer the Who’s Who booklet, please can I have one?
There will be a limited number of printed copies of the Who’s Who booklet. These will be distributed to all church members who haven’t got internet or a mobile phone.
Why is the Who’s Who going online? The old booklet was fine!
The printed Who’s Who booklet quickly becomes out of date. Members of the online Who’s Who can amend their own details, thus ensuring that the directory remains up to date.
Printing 180+ booklets uses a lot of ink and paper. In addition to the cost of printing so much material, Poynton Parish Church is striving to become more eco-friendly and an online Who’s Who fits this purpose.
As well as providing an up to date Who’s Who, ChurchSuite has a whole range of features, such as a calendar of upcoming events and the ability to book onto them. Poynton Parish Church will be launching these features in the future.
Are my personal details safe online?
Yes. By default, your details will not appear on the online Who’s Who until you change your privacy settings (see the tutorial videos above for guidance). If you change your privacy settings, and include your details in the online Who’s Who, they will only be visible to members of St George’s and St Martin’s who have signed up to ChurchSuite.
What about my children’s details?
Your children’s details WILL NOT appear in the online version of the Who’s Who. However, they will be visible to you (if you gave consent or have previously signed up to a children’s group) through your ChurchSuite login.
Only your children’s names appear in the printed version of the Who’s Who (if you gave consent).